+11-17 Hudson Secretary Report Nov 2003

November 10, 2003

SECRETARY REPORT November 10, 2003


Subject: The Reunion in Colorado Springs, Col. Oct 1-4, 2003

Well, it's over and in the past, but, oh what memories we have. We will never forget any of them.

Those attending: Fred & Rose Bullock, Don & Frances Burdorf, Betty Jo Carter, Bob & Sally Edge and son Tom Edge & daughter Judy West, Dan Fee and daughter Janis Randall, Bob & Evelyn Fath, Fred & Dot Gedemer, Bob & Dolores Harris, Roger & Emily Hixon, George & Virginia Kowal, Paul & Joanne Lancaster, Jay & Bobbie Lewis, Ace & Maxine Parker, Neil Trosper, Fred & Barbara Turkheimer, Bob & Betty Van Valkenburg, DeLora Williams, Victor Williams and brother-in-law and sister Roy & Carol Eckhardt.

On Thursday, the Memorial Service at the Air Force Academy Chapel was beautiful. Roger & Arleen Hixon's son Reverand Steve Hixon gave a most meaningful prayer and spoke of what the men of the Hudson and World War II gave.

The names of all known deceased men of the Hudson were read and a bell was rung after each 12 to 15 names. After these services we were given a tour of the Protestant & Catholic Chapel's, then the Jewish Synagogue, plus several other areas that can be used by other religious denominations. After a tour of the Academy we had.lunch and a tour through The Garden of the Gods.

Friday we traveled to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park. We had lunch at the park and saw the highest suspension bridge in the USA. It was breath-taking. Some walked or rode across the bridge and then some enjoyed the Incline Railway.

Friday night we attended a Western Stage Show and had a BarB-Q diner at the Flying W Ranch.

Saturday we had a trip to Old Colorado City & Manitou Springs. Lunch was on your own and I think our group tried and loved most of the Quaint, new and old cafe's and shops.

< Added to page 1 Our yearly banquit and meeting was held at the Ramada Inn. The hotel personnel did a great job decorating the room and they served a delicious Family Style diner. Our guests of the evening were Rev. & Mrs. Steve Hixon.

At the meeting it was decided to have next year's reunion somewhere in the vicinity of Los Angles, California. So, we have a committee of California people working on the 2004 reunion. So far the committee consist of: Don Burdorf, Ace Parker and Y.O Olds. We will let you know more when they have had time to work on it.

We had the pleasure of welcoming Lena & Ollie again with their most facinating stories. If you have never been to a reunion you have missed one of the greatest acts on earth.

This brings me to the very sad and unhappy time to report to you the end of their visits. Bob & Betty Van Valkenburg have entertained us for the last several years with their act, but this was their last performance. Shortly after returning home to Wyzatta MN , Bob had a severe stroke, several days later he suffered a second one, went into a coma and passed away 6 November 2003. We will miss him terribly. All our sympathy, prayers, love and thoughts go out to Betty and the family.

DeLora K. Williams Secretary/Treasurer

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