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Subject: Thatcher: (Starnes)
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 15:38:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: ruthbill2@webtv.net (WR and Ruth Starnes)
To: bobrsr@erols.com (Bob Ross Sr -RMCS USN-RET)

Hi Bob,
You have a great site and doing good work. I'm sure every DD vet enjoys your site and appreciates your efforts. I know I do! I live in Cumming, GA, 35 miles north of Atlanta.

My personal history follows for your info.
75 year old Virginia native - -joined Navy at 17 - - After Boots & FC School - -served on Thatcher (43-45) as FCO3/c - - Battle station 40 mm Director #2 stack.

(1992-96) served as Secretary of Thatcher Reunion Assn. & Editor of 514 Newsletter. Heart Attack slowed me down! On my watch 514 was named a WW2 Commemorative Community by Sec. of Defense for the 50th Anniversary.

I have a copy of absolutely everything about Thatcher that happened in WW2 - Logs- photos- crew lists- shipmate diaries- etc.

Our ships doctor made 8mm Home movies of battle action that was put on VCR tape. Thatcher sent a Assn. member to Okinawa for the dedication of the Memorial Wall (1995) listing all that were killed in the Battle of Okinawa. He placed a wreath for our crew members and all others killed on the picket line I have photos and a VCR tape.

For sometime I have been thinking about a web site for Thatcher. I was surprised when I saw your listing.


Bill Starnes

Subject: Henry K.Thatcher Nemesake of THATCHER DD514
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 22:38:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bob Traver bobt514@charter-ne.com
Organization: Charter Communications
To: cmosle@soundpower.com, Bob Ross bobrsr@erols.com

Hi Bob: I'm Bob Traver. I served on the Thatcher from its commissioning to its decommissioming.

And what a coincidence. The reason I served on it was that my grandfather from Rockport Ma. was a lobsterman who used to fish off of Thatcher's Island and I used to spend summers with him.

After completing Rangefinders school in Wash. D.C. in early '43 I was given a choice of ships to serve on. There were four "cans" and the two cruisers Boston and Baltimore.

I loved the Thatcher's Lights and the island so the pick was easy. I was never sorry. We had a great ship. Active, clean, and lucky ( until Okinawa ) for the most part.

About Thatcher - Henry K Thatcher was born in Thomaston, Me. May 26 1806. Midshipman on 4 May 1823, rose in rank to Rear Admiral on 25 july 1866. He had a busy career until 1868. He died at Boston on 5 Apr. 1880

DD514 was the second ship named after him. The first was a 'four piper" DD 162 launched in 1918, scrapped in '46 (renamed)

I dug this out of Dictionary of American Navy Fighting Ships Vol VII. I have all 8 vols and refer to them often. If you wish I will print out the pages on the Thatchers and send them to you. Send me your mailing address. Hope this fills some gaps.

Bob Traver