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"Ross Amico - Son of: Rosario J Amico" "Gary Barber" - Father Frank Joseph Barber -S1c - DOB is 3-9-25 and DOD is 6-25-86 "Allan Bernhard - Uncle is: Kenneth McLaren, CO at Solomons Islands" "Angela Bovino - Daughter of: Rosario J Amico" "George H. Carlin - Son of: George T. Carlin" - Deceased 7/20/05 "Victor Carlucci - SN - 6/44 "Roy Dickson "Heather Fedchak - GrandDaughter of Victor Carlucci" "Steve Fontenette - Uncle is: Roland J. Landry, Seaman" "Willaim Harkness - Son of Kellis Harkness S1c - Deceased 12/31/20 - 2/29/76 "Anton (Tony) Krecek - SM3c - 4/44 - 6/46" - Reunion Coordinator "Roland/Flory Landry Jr - Son of: Ronald J. Landry"- SN - Will accept mail for Ronald "Joyce (Kovac) Lang - Daughter of: Joe (Kosnessky) Kovac"- GM3 -Died 12/11/2003 "Christine Qualey - Daughter of: Jim Qualey (Deceased)" "Jim Qualey III - Son of: Jim Qualey (Deceased)" "David Rehs - Father: George R Rehs" MM1 " David Rehs Jr - GrFather George Rehs - Rate MM1c - DoB ?? DoD ?? "Mike Seaver - Father: Everett L. Seaver, RM3, Deceased June 16, 1959" "+Rosalyn Seaver - Mother: Mike Seaver" "Herbert N. Smith CMM" "Cindy Stingley - Father: George R Rehs, Deceased 1966" "Beth Landry Taylor - Daughter of: Ronald J. Landry"- SN