+15 Framk Menagh Photo Page


Frank Menagh Personal Page


Subject: Crew member USS HALFORD
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 22:39:32 -0500
From: "Frank Menagh" fmenagh@gate.net
To: Bob Ross

Dear Mr. Ross,

My name is Frank S. Menagh who was on board (Halford) from Sept. 1943 to Jan. 1946. I was a deck hand, struck for signalman, then radioman, ended up as a radioman 3rd class. Battle station was on a forward twin 40mm, and later bridge radioman. The only crew names I can remember at this time were radioman 2/c Owens, and Heard. I have pictures of the ship and crew that I will forward at a later date.

"Frank Menagh"
4470 SE Bayshore Terrace
Stuart FL 34997

Click on any photo for a larger version.

Frank Menagh 1944/45 Frank Menagh RM3, 1945 Frank Menagh 1990's

Frank & Joan Menagh

Click on any photo for a larger version.

1. C-Div-- All from Left:-- Row1- Thompson,- 4th Carl Keebler Top row- 4th Frank Menagh- 6th Owens- 7th Smallwood. 2. Radio gang--All from left:--Far left, Frank Menagh- 2nd Smallwood- 3rd Cecil Heard- Behind Herd, Shapiro 3. Battle Record:
L2R- 5 Carl Hilke- 6 Bill Sylvia- 7 Allen McDonough- 8 John Salisbury- 10 Frank Menagh- #13 James D. McDaniel.
4. Adding a Kill: Left: Ralph Carpino, Doug Behney, ? Boucher.

5.Burial at Sea: Far left
by Gig: Frank Menagh-
4th left of Frank- Carl Keebler-
5th from Frank Smallwood
6.Hawaii 1944 7.Liberty Pearl 1944

If anyone has names of men in these photos Please use photo caption to identify list and send to me.

(This sent to me by Tom McDaniel, son of James Doyle (JD) McDaniel who passed away August 31, 2000)

Here are some names for the Battle Record picture (#3 above) from John MacDonald.
From: John MacDonald
To: Tom McDaniel
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Battle Record Picture...

Tom: This photo was taken on the starboard side of the flying bridge. This particular location was a favorite place for a momento type picture because it in effect was a sharing of our combat record represented by the painted scoreboard. It had to be taken subsequent to October 30th, 1944 because the battleship was painted on the scoreboard following the battle of Suragaio Straits, October 24th. That battleship was the Yamashiro, the 3rd largest in the IJN. While our steaming records record the time of and number of torpedos the Halford launched and that we were able to discern hits, the Halford was never given actual credit.

Capital ships, battle, cruiser and carrier were generally mentioned by name but Tin Cans, the little guys, were expendable and usually unmentioned as to participation, in spite of their contributions in combat. The fact is the Yamashiro had been under air attack by our planes for a day or so prior to Oct' 24. There were 3 sections of Cans that made torpedo runs with out hits with the exception of the Halford. In the mean time the Yama' had taken hits from our battleship and Cruiser line. It was a joint effort but I will always believe we gave her the coup d' grace.

The photo shows 14 men. I can remember the faces but only 6 names. From the right your Father (James D. McDaniel)is # 2 (that's the polaris in front of him) # 5 is Jack Shapiro; # 7, John Salisbury; #8, Allen McDonough; # 9, Bill Sylvia and #10, Carl Hilke.

My duty and watch station was on the bridge and generally, only crew with such duty had access. This picture is quite eclectic in that you see various rates, a torpedo man, radar, radio, gunner's mate a deck division guy (deck ape) and below deck rates (snipes). The latter were really persona non grata on the bridge. I never once went into an engine room.and never wanted to...that was the domain of those that had to work there, plus it was hot, smelly and greasy. Opposed to below decks my bridge had fresh air all the time even if it was tropical.

I know how your father must have been about his Navy days. I think almost all of us felt the same way. Talk to any of us left and we'd all tell you we would go back to those days, anytime..all though most bitched and moaned about it at the time. Accept my belated condolences to you on the passing of your father. WWII vets are leaving at the rate of about a 1000 a day. Our time is limited and first hand memory of the Halford will be gone for ever. That or progeny have an interest in what we did can be passed on though. If you were to attend the reunion, May 3/6 this year I'm sure you will meet some of us who knew and remember your Dad. If I can find the Kodiak Bar photo I'll send you a copy. I didn't mean to mislead you but on remembering, the gunner's mate in it is a Daniel McNamara..who was a very good friend of your father. If you have any pictures from you dad's collection you might well recognze McNamara. Stay in touch and consider attenting our 11th and possibly final reunion.

Regards, John MacDonald

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