+10-13-05 513 History Bell KIA


History of Battle Iwo Jima 1945, Men Killed and Terry Bell

Ships Log 3/1/45 - Names of Killed in action from Ed Williams
Terry Bell in Church Alexandria Vir from Earl Flanagan

USS Terry Ships Log entry
March 1st, 1945.

Subject: USS Terry
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 16:00:05 -0400
From: "EDWIN WILLIAMS" foxfire105@hotmail.com
To: "bob ross" bobrsr@erols.com

Hi Bob.
Some info on the Terry

USS Terry Ships Log entry
March 1st, 1945.
Steaming as before .
set condition of readiness II Mike. material condition Baker.
0640 Ceasewd zigzagging ans resumed base course.
0642 Formation dissolved. Proceeding independently North of Iwo Jima to screening station C-5 on course 105degree t and pgc-109 degree psc. speed 15 knots.
0702 Changed course to 115 degree t and 119 degree pcs.
About 0720 salvo fired from a two or three gun 6'' shore battery on Northwest corner of Iwo Jima at a range of about 5,000 yards fell close by. Turned hard left , increased speed to 25 knots , sent all hands to General Quartes. Captain took con. About 0722 Main battery opened fire on shore battery, bearing 235 degrees t.
About 0728 Received about a 6'' calibre hit in starboard side of main deck at fram 100 over foreward engine room. Maneuvering radically to avoid further hits , fireing with guns 4 & five.
0729 Starboard engine stopped, lost power, lost steering control, gyro compass out of commission. after main battery guns continuing to fire in local control at shore battery.
About 0734 all guns ceased firing having expened 45 rounds of 5"/38 calibre aa and aa common (special) projectiles. Regained steering control. Stopped all engines and lay to. USS Pensacola taking shore battery under fire.

During this engagement the ship was straddled many times by accurate fire. Many killed in action by shellburst or fragments from near misses.
Ed Williams

Subject: uss terry
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 12:00:08 -0400
To: "bob ross" bobrsr@erols.com
Hi Bob.
List of those killed/injured by Shore Battery, March 1, 1945

Crane, Edward R. 651 15 82, Y2c.
Gard, Maurice, W. 627 30 35 MM.2c
Grubb, Charles L. 651 17 56 WT.2c
Hall, Dwight L. 262 68 87 CEM(aa)
Johnagin, Calvin 357 00 98 MM.2c
LeCrone Wayne N 952 67 47 F1c
O'Brien, John P 244 85 76 QM1c
Rojas, Anthony P 888 16 64 S2c
Smith, John F 553 91 08 S1c
Swensson Emil acting pay clerk passenger for San Janinto

Hitner, Robert S. 651 41 56 RM3c wounded at Iwo Jima but died later.

Missing in action Roberts, Raymond F 666 36 72 PhM2c

Commander. W.B. Moore, commanding officer.

Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church gets TERRY BELL

Subject: 513 Earl Flanagan - re Terry Bell History
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 15:39:17 EDT
From: Earl Flanagan FlanaganEL@aol.com
To: Bob Ross bobrsr@erols.com

Here's how the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church happened to get the Terry Bell.

The city of Alexandria began to expand into nearby plantations after WWII. A group bought the stable on the Little Hollin Hill Plantation from the son of George Mason in 1953 and converted it into the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church therein after installing a steeple but no bell.

When churches began tolling bells for the hostages in Iran, the urgency prompted the acquisition of the bell by a Navy member of the church. In 1980 the Navy loaned the USS TERRY bell to the church. It was tolled every day that a member of the church was held prisoner in Tehran until his safe release.

It remained in the steeple until we recently replaced the steeple with a prefabricated vinyl steeple. It was decided at that time to relocate the bell on an adjacent Fellowship Hall also under construction.

While it awaits it final location, it is now mounted in the Foyer of the Fellowship Hall with a picture of the Terry and a plaque that reads:

The bell below was acquired and installed in the Stable steeple in 1980, dedicated and tolled as a reminder of the Congregationals immediate concern and hope for member Colonel David Roeder, United States Air Force, who was then a hostage in the US Embassy in Teheran, Iran.

On loan from the Department of the Navy, the bell was cast as the ships bell for the USS Terry (DD-513) a US Navy Fletcher-class destroyer, commissioned on January 26, 1943 in the midst of World War II. USS Terry saw action in the Atlantic and extensive action in the Pacific theaters of operation, participating in seven battles including the liberation of Bougainville, Empress Augusta Bay, Rabaul, the Marianas, and Iwo Jima. The ship was hit by Japanese shore fire from Iwo Jima in 1945 killing eleven sailors and wounding nineteen others. She was rapidly repaired and returned to duty, completing her World War II service in the Pacific Fleet as the war ended. USS Terry remained in the Reserve Fleet, ready but never again called, until she was stricken from the navy list in 1974.

The bell survived and serves with new tasks at Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church in Alexandria, Virginia. It is dedicated now to all members who served honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States.

We hope to have the assistance of Ed Williams in wording a final bronze plaque when it is permanently mounted in the near future.

With best regards to you all,
Earl Flanagan, Elder
and fellow veteran


Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 10:43:37 -0400
From: Earl Flanagan - earlflanagan@verizon.net
Subject: History of USS TerryBell
To: bobrsr@comcast.net
Cc: Edwin Williams foxfire105@hotmail.com

Click bell for larger view
The attached picture of the bell shows the bell in its present location, the lobby of the Mount Vernon Presbyterian Fellowship Hall. The Hall is a part of the 3.5 acre church campus on plantation of the son of George Mason, Hollin Hall. Hollin Hall is just north of and adjacent to George Washington's Mount Vernon Plantation on the Potomac River south of Washington, DC.

Originally the bell was located in the tower of the Hollin Hall stable that was converted into our sanctuary in 1945. The tower had no bell originally but was secured from the Navy by a church member after the capture of the embassy in Tehran to toll every day in remembrance of a church member who was taken prisoner, Colonel David Roeder. He is still a member.

Eventually we built a new larger sanctuary and use the stable now as a chapel. The original wooden tower had to be replaced. We feared the bell would cause it to collapse. The new tower is vinyl, can not support the bell and didn't present the bell in the prominent place it deserves. Hence it's present location. We have many Navy members and visitors. Not surprising near Washington, DC.

A gift from Elders Earl L. Flanagan and Vance H. Morrison

I think I can locate a picture of the Stable and tower, however and will try to send it as soon as possible. I see your 1 year older than I.
Best regards
Earl L Flanagan, Vice President
71st Infantry Division Association


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