+15 USS ANTHONY DD515 NewsLetter #33


Issue #33 - May 24, 2001

We had a WONDERFUL reunlion!!! So wonderful, in fact, that there will be another one May 21- 24 of next year, also in Branson. Bob and Claire Nelson volunteered to host that one, too. He said that the Reunion Planning Center did an excellent job of handling all of the particulars. which made his and Claire's work so much easier. Our thanks go to Barb, Pam, Chris and Lucy who were so gracious; and nothing was ever too much for them to do. The Reunion Planning Center has a website, which you can check for information.
It is:- www..reunionpro.com

I received an e-mail :from Pam in which she told me that they were having a group come in on May 3, one on May 20, and about one a week until August. In August, Sept and Oct they have: at least one a week and several times there are up to five groups at a time. I'm glad we were there in April. During our tour of Old Branson, we visited the 5 & 10. There, hanging over one of the aisles, was a big picture of the Anthony!!

Joe and Peggy Brogna had planned to attend the reunion but had to cancel at the last minute due to her father's health problems. Perhaps they'll be able to make it next year.

The following people attended:
Bob Alessi
Dave and Paula Audet
Bob Babylon and sister, Hazel
Pat Ball
Lou and Phyllis Brown
Dave and Avril Daily
Charlotte Goerlich
Sally Johnson
Bob and Wanda Kaufinan
Clarence and Shirley Landry
Harold and Alina Learned
Martha McNichol
Carmen and Sue Micciche
Bob and Claire Nelson
Jack and Betty Raymer
Cliff and Anne Seale
Barney Vilk
Harvey Woodward and daughter, Debbie
Bill and Marge Wenger

We had several new people this year. One. Pat Ball. had never known that we were getting together. He found out about the reunion four days before it started and made his reservations.

AI Jose and Carol were in Branson and visited with us a few times. At and Harvey Woodward are the men from the B- 24 Liberator who were rescued by the Anthony.

Pat Ball's address is:
Pat Ball
P. 0. Box 2409
Waldport, OR 97394
e-mail: cahuna@casco.net

Through Bob Ross' work we have discovered three additional men:
Eldon G. Elder
660 Barrymore Street
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

Larry Hebler
81 Denrose Drive
Buffalo, NJ 14228

Leo R. (Dick) Miller
15 Woodworth Street
Leominster, MA 01453
Daughter's e-mail:- Lelder2676@aol. com

I received a note from Opie Hill. He was 98 in January and doesn't travel at all any more. Since he has Parkinson's, Velma does all of his writing for him.

Ken Carlson said that he was 80 last year. If anyone cares to contact him via e-mail, his address is:- kingdogcharlie@cs.com

Beebe Akers wrote that he and Alice would not be attending the reunion. They are keeping busy with the cows and com He talked to Melvin Patton, who is recovering from a mini stroke. Bob and Helen Kraft couldn't attend as he was hospitalized with a heart problem. He is home now. If the number of items he sends me via e-mail is any indication of how he's feeling, he's doing just great.

George Andrys stays active widl his Iwo Jima Veterans of North Dakota. His father came from the Austria Czech border, and George recently received a surprise e-mail from a young relative in Croatia who is trying to put the family tree together.

Last October, I received a letter ftom Mack Williamson and forgot to include it in subsequent newsletters. He and his wife have been married 58 years and are both in good health.

Bob Elder was responsible for contacting Bob Ross and obtaining the reunion information. He had hoped to attend with his dad, but his father is recuperating from surgery and wasn't up to it.

Ray Lemke's daughter, Sandy McMilleon, wrote that he is in the final stages of liver cancer and is in a nursing home.
If you e-mail her at: smac90@yahoo.com,
she will pass any messages along to Ray.
Also, his home address is
1026 Washington St,
Anoka, MN 55303
if you want to send anything via regular mail.

As always, I have also received news that two of the men have died:
James McGonagle on Nov. 15, 2000 and
Richard Hazelwood on March 17,2001.

While at the reunion, someone mentioned that some children and grandchildren attend their father's and grandfather's reunions. I know that it was a real delight to have Bill Landry's children at the Baton Rouge reunion. Perhaps some of you on the mailing list would consider that next year. We would be very happy to have you. Think about it, please.

Charlotte Goerlich

May 2001

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