Issue #36 - February 23, 2002
I hope that all of you have sent in your registration forms for the reunion. The
committee needs them by very early March; so if you plan on attending and
haven't yet sent in your registration, please do so as soon as possible. Bob
Nelson informed me that the reunion will be held at the LaQuinta Motor Lodge
instead of the facility we used last year. The LaQuinta is on the main road at the
top of the hill, so it will be a lot more convenient. The Reunion Planning
Center will be sending out directions for the new location. Several people who
have not attended a reunion have indicated their intention to do so this
year. We (meaning Sally, Martha, and myself) are looking forward to seeing all
of you again.
There have been several changes of address. New ones are as follows:
Dwain Fagerstrom - 410 44th Ave. S,
Moorhead, MN 56560-6737
Joseph Holland -161 Sherri Lane,
Oceanside, CA 92054-5372
Bob Babylon has plans to move into a retirement community and will send me
his new address when he does.
Grace Williarns new e-mail address is
Bill Amaroli's e-mail address is:
The Wengers have had some serious health problems, but Bill says that both
of them are coming along. He had open heart surgery in November, is doing well
and still hopes to attend the reunion. Marge had a light stroke in late Dec.
Her prognosis is excellent, and she hopes to be able to return to work.
Both Wanda and Bob Kauffman have had some health problems, but they
should be all right in time for the reunion. Bob Babylon called to inform me that
Cliff Seale passed away on January 22nd. He had been ill for three years with
cancer. His wife, Anne's, address is: P.0. Box 126, Greenville, ll., 62246.
Kate Roulston passed away on February 6th from lung cancer. Bob said that she
had been ill for about three years. His address is: 11 Cushing Street,
Amesbury, MA 01913. E-mail:
Ken Carlson wrote that he's trying to master his computer and exchanges e-mails
with friends and old shipmates. He's also writing his life story.
Fred and Gloria Federico attended Sammy New's wedding anniversary in
December and said that it was an excellent affair.
Ellie Houghton said that she and Ken are holding their own but do miss the
reunions - the people and the camaraderie. Through Bob Ross' website, Bob Van
Dusen located information about the Anthony. His brother, George, was
a TM2C and was on the Anthony 1944-45. It seems that George was injured
and placed on a hospital ship after the Anthony was covered with gas from a
Japanese plane. If anyone has information about this, he would be
interested in hearing from you. His e-mail address is:
In the last newsletter, I mentioned about a WWII lecture program with which I am
involved at the local library. Due to the success of our program, several other
groups in the area are starting their own programs -.- One of the men is getting
information about a way to acquire tax-exempt status, and I was hoping to have
it to pass along in case your local library, historical society or any other group
would be interested in starting such a program. It does take money to
conduct these programs. Perhaps I'll have the information for you in the next
The following poem was published in STARS AND STRIPES in August 1943:
The girls who are wives of men in the air
Who follow them here and follow them there
Are girls with hearts as large as the planes
Which carry their men thru snows and thru rains.
They sit around' drearning of times that will come
When flying's finished and the war has been won.
They brave all the doubt, the anguish and paIn
Of waiting and watching, too often in vain
They have no medals to wear on their chests,
They watch and wait with fast-throbbing breasts
'Til their husbands come flying out of the blue
When they have won victory for us and for you.
- -- -- -- -- -
Hope to see a lot of you in May.
Charlotte Goerlich