USS ANTHONY DD515 Bill Wenger provided the photos.
Other than the photo and names provided by Charlotte Goerlich, I have no additional information as to what took place. See the Newsletter #29 dated May 29, 2000 for details of happenings.--(Linked to this page.) If anyone has pictures or information, please email to me.
Subject: Reunion Picture Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2000 09:33:19 EDT From: Cmgoerlich@aol.com To: bobrsr@erols.com Bob,
Here are the names for the picture. Looking at the picture, beginning with
the last row (men), on YOUR left:-
Second row (standing women):-
First row, seated):-
Bob Babylon and his sister didn't arrive until the next day. For some reason, Bill Wenger and his brother-in-law, Harry Williams, didn't know about picture-taking time. I don't know whether or not Dave and Avril Daily were there that day or arrived later, but they are not in the picture. I hope that I haven't mixed up Barney Vilk and Lou Brown. They look very much alike. We didn't take individual pictures this year, and there was no group picture at all last year. I looked at the pictures from two years ago and hope that I identified them correctly. I'm rather sure that I did. It's surprising how much people in this age group change in two years.
Charlotte Goerlich
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