NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2001 Don Bullock - Publishing & Mailing Jim Friday - Business manager, Reunions This issue has some good photos on Sep 11, 2001, Crewmembers and Clip-art. Not included. See Reunion 2001 Info/Photos.
Like most of our reunions, Mobile was great. Doesn't seem to matter where we meet, we have a good time. Like always, it all started with registration on Tuesday. We all became anxious over Bender because he didn't show up. Seems he had a flat tire out on the freeway and had a hard time getting help. Wednesday we took a tour through the historic district, which was pretty much the slums- -sounds better if you call it the historic district. Ended up at an ant-bellum house. (that's fancy lingo for old---real old). While the rest of the gang sat down to tea and crumpets, I stepped outside to have a cigarette and they locked me out. Don't care much for tea nayway. That night we went to Biloxi to gamble. Joyce Hidalgo seemed to be the big winner. She hit the slots for about 300 bucks. Oh, well I had a good buffet dinner anyway. Thursday we went to 8attleship--Memorial Park for our reunion service on the USS ALABAMA. Jim Friday's grandson sang, Dick Lowe brought the invocation, Virginia Hatcher cast the wreath upon the waters and the bell ringer screwed up the otherwise perfect ceremony. Forgot you got to grab that damned lanyard right up next to the clapper. Buffet lunch was not all that bad. Friday we went to the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola. They had at least one of every airplane the Navy ever flew-- so damned many airplanes on exibit that you got air sick just looking at them. Lunch at the Mustin Beach Officer's Club was excellent. Those officers eat good!!! Friday night we went for a dinner cruise on the Cotton Blossom, a historic vessel (there's that word historic again, meaning old again.) Dinner wasn't bad and we had a nice cruise on the river, but the boat wasn't really a paddle-wheeler, that was just for show. Saturday the gang went to Bellingrath Gardens, but I chickened out, cause I got Hay Fever. All those beautiful flowers would have driven me nuts. They had a box lunch aboard the Southern Belle and then went to Christmas Town-.-another reason I chickened out. Saturday night we had the banquet. Jim Friday handed out a bunch of plaques and yours truly was one of the recipients. We had a key- board player and a trumpeter, saxophonist that played real good music. Good enough that it inspired George Hidalgo to get up and sing a few songs. After dinner, we got the Madis Gras shot. Mobile claims to have the oldest Madis Gras in the country, and according to them, New Orleans is just a Johnny-Come-Lately. Well, I won't get into the politics of all this. Keith and Dawn Davis were crowned king and queen of our little affair and then lorded it over us for the rest of the evening. Sunday, we packed our bags and went home. Tough saying good-bye. Kinda wanted the affair to last forever, but it was nice when you finally got home. All in all, we had a helluva good time, and if you missed it, you missed a GOOD ONE. Bama says Thanks Dear Mr. Bullock Please accept our sincere appreciation for your donation of $100 to the USS ALABAMA (BB-60) Battleship Foundation. These funds will be used to repair and maintain ALABAMA, the centerpiece of our Memorial Park to veterans of all wars. This letter will serve as receipt from the Battle- ship Foundation, which may be used to support your tax-exempt contribution.
Thank you for your support of our efforts to
maintain and preserve USS ALABAMA Memorial Park
and all she represents to the millions
of Alabamians and Americans who, over the
years have sacrificed so much for our precious
American freedom.
Dear Donald: Well, it has been a longtime since you have heard from me. I am still alive and working at KC airport four days a week. I can't sit home as I have to have something to do. I have cancer of the Prostate and have had it for about two years. I wouldn't let them operate on me for cancer by removing my prostate nor would I let them remove my testacies nor would I take kemo therapy or radium treatments. I take a shot every few months to slow down the cancer. So far it has worked.
I am sorry to have missed the last three reunions
and I probably won't be able to make
this one. Medicare pays for some of the treatment
but not enough. I don't have insurance
for cancer treatments and the military doesn't
treat me as I make too much with military pension
and social security. You can tell my shipmates
I am still around and my new address is
609 Mobile Lane,
Hagermans Can't Make the Reunion
New subject--- The news letter gets better every issue. Please tell Bill Miskill that I did not know his brother, George Miskill.
Hope you have a great time in Mobile.
Sorry we won't be there. We're looking forward
to Bath. Thanks for saving my life.
Livingston Appreciates Us
This has been a bad year for me as my mother, Ethridge D. Sands, Clarence Sand's widow, died on Feb. 10, 2001. In the end, I must be thankful for the lives of both my parents. Mobile sounds wonderful. I hope I will be able to attend. It has been a wonderful experience meeting the WADSWORTH crew and their families. I think as time goes on the people of our country are realizing how great the people are who fought to save this country for us. The WADSWORTH crew was there at every call and it is interesting to hear the facts as they are remembered by the men who served.
God bless and take care;
Bullock Gets Medal
We regret the unfortunate delay in sending the medal. These medals were not available for sometime due to procurement problems. We wish you continued good health and prosperity. Do accept our deepest appreciation and gratitude for your services and participation in the Philippine Campaign during World War II.
Yours very truly:
Raymond Fusselman
Retired Navy Capt. Raymond D. Fusselman, a decorated World War II veteran, died Dec. 10 in San Francisco at age 90. He had suffered from emphysema and cancer. Capt. Fusselman, a native of West Farington, Ohio, graduated from the Naval Academy in 1933 and served on the destroyers Selfridge and Wadsworth in World War II. At Okinawa, the Wadsworth, under his command, survived 10 weeks of Japanese suicide plane attacks, said Leonore Fusselman, his wife of 64 years. He was awarded the Navy Cross, and the Wadsworth received a Presidential Unit Citation. Capt. Fusselman commanded a destroyer division in the Korean War. A specialist in communications and underseas warfare, he later served as head of research and development for naval underseas warfare at the Pentagon, headed the Office of Naval Research in San Fran- cisco and was chief of the U. S. Naval Mission in Caracas, Venezuela. He retired from the Navy in 1963 and became a senior communications engineer at North American Aviation, working on the Apollo Project.
Capt. Fusselman is survived by his wife,
Leonore, and a brother, Donald, of Warren, Ohio.
Roster Changes
Charles M. Crowley
Charles Wilfang and his wife made their first
reunion at Mobile. Hope they enjoyed themselves
and will make attending a life style--
The WADSWORTH Newsletter is a publication aimed at informing WADSWORTH
Shipmates, their families and survivors.
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