Fred Marler - Editor
Don Bullock - Publishing & Mailing
Jim Friday - Business manager, Reunions
Dear Don:
Year 2001 is almost over and it hasn't been
our best year. Starting in January, I went to the
hospital for colon cancer surgery. One month I
later, I was back in the hospital with a heart
attack. I recovered very well from that with the 4
help of eight weeks of cardiac rehab. We went
in for our regular eye exams and discovered
Helene had macular degeneration in both eyes.
We went ahead with our plans to attend the ;
annual Fleet Reserve Association convention in
Boise, Idaho to be followed by a week in
Yellowstone National Park.
As time went by Helene's eyes got worse and
I was starting to also have eye problems. By
summer, her eye doctor declared her "legally
blind" and I started laser treatment for my left
eye. While visiting my heart doctor in early
summer, he advised me to cancel our trip, as
he said I would have one heck of a time finding
a good heart hospital if I had any problems.
So, we cancelled our trip.
Thank goodness we have Helene's
daughter, Lillian, living with us, as she is our
main driver and reads everything that we can't.
I was able to get an "agent's" pass so she can
take me to the commissary and Helene to the
Helene and I both renewed our passports and
hope to take one final trip to visit her brother in
France, then our friends in Germany, England
and Ireland. Keep us in your prayers, we wish
you all well in health
All Our Love
John, Helene and George
PS. After reading this you will now see why I
couldn't make the reunion. "Thanks for saving
my life!" I love the newsletter so keep me on
the mailing list.
Mrs. Fusselman Toasts The Crew
Dear Mr. Bullock:
In going through the accumulated mail
after a five month case of pneumonia, I found
this communication from you and am returning it.
It's probably much too late, but here it
is, all fil1ed out. I'd hate to be in charge of an
all inclusive Navy Memorial--the organizing of
it all, I mean, wouldn't you?
However, the battle of Okinawa, land and
sea, was so extremely important that I'm sure
it will be well presented.
Your idea of a Wadsworth cap for every-
one at the reunion was splendid. Thank You.
If you sent me any answer to my communication
about my husband's death, I'm sorry
not to have acknowledged your courtesy, but I
was very sick and am even now limp as a wet
noodle. It's weird to have lost five months out
of the year.
You seem to have had a grand reunion --
the south does things nicely doesn't it? The
"Willy Wads" was a wonderful ship, manned by
wonderfully able men and captained by skip-
per who was not only able, but lucky all his life,
so ship and crew were brought safely home. I
don't know how you all stood it for ten weeks,
or even ten minutes.
We will drink a toast to all you brave men,
heroes all, this yuletide, and wish you a Merry
Christmas and a wonderful 2002.
Yours sincerely;
Leonore Fusselman
Hi Donald:
Enclosed is a check for the yearly donation. The best bargain anywhere!!
Sad to hear we lost some more shipmates. All we had on that "can" was nice
guys, and they all helped save my life. Thanks Guys.
I think that new paper saved our letter from that machine.
John Bayless
Virginia Thatcher Says Thank You
Dear Mr. Friday:
I should have done this much sooner, but
thank you for your thoughtfulness and kindness
at the Mobile Reunion. The Memorial Service
was a kind of closure for the children and I.
I'm sure you understand our feelings. I just
wanted you to know that you are appreciated.
This brings wishes for a happy holiday
season and a healthy new year.
Curtis Haines Losses Son
Dear Fred:
I attended the last reunion in Mobile, Ala
and enjoyed it, even though I only stayed for a
couple of tours. My son, Curtis, and my son-
in-Law, Norman Troy, were with me at this re-
union. They both enjoyed it.
I am writing this letter to inform you that
my other son, Jeefrey, passed away on January
24. He was 36 years old and deaf from birth.
He would have been 37 years old on February
4, 2002.
In all the reunions that I was able to at-
tend, there may have been a time when he was
with me, but it would be when he was fairly
Fred, diabetes has slowed me down and it
has entered my feet, causing me to have trouble
standing or walking. Outside of that, I am okay.
I hope you might include this information
in your next newsletter. My wife, Eleanor is also
suffering from diabetes and we both have to take
insulin shots.
Well Fred, I will close for now and wish you
well and may God bless you for doing such a
good job on the newsletter. "Thank you for
saving my life."
Yours truly
Curtis and Eleanor
Dear Fred:
As of March 10, 2002 we will have a new
address. After living in the same home for over
50 years, we have decided it's time to slow
down--no more shoveling snow, mowing lawns
or upkeep of home and yard. We will be going
into a small apartment but if we get itchy for
something to do, we can always help our three
children who live in the area.
Sending donation for postage, etc. for
informative letters. Enjoy hearing what's going on
with everyone.
New Address Jerome C. Bartlett
Regency Manor Apt. 3-2
Rutland, Vermont
Dear Don:
Thanks for sending the newsletter. I enjoy it
very much. Wish I could send more, but right
now its the best I can do.
Harry S. Newton
In Memory
Another of our shipmates has been relieved of the watch
Robert B. Nuechterlein
Died March 13, 2002
Bob Nuechterlein proposed to Barbara Miller
at a family gathering on Christmas Eve.
Barbara accepted his proposal and they were
married on February 16. Following the ceremony
they were to honeymoon in Las Vegas.
The honeymoon was cut short, however, because
Bob didn't feel well. Upon arriving home,
Bob was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas.
He underwent surgery on Wednsday and was
informed of the prognosis on Thursday. He was
moved to a Hospice on Monday and died
Wednsday, quickly and painlessly.

Bits and Pieces
By Jim Friday
Plans are underway for the 2003 reunion
in Bath, Maine. This will be the 60th
birthday party for the Wadsworth. The
Wadsworth was laid down at the Bath
Iron Works (BIW) on 18 August 1942
and was launched 10 January 1943.
The tentative plans as of now are:
1. The dates will be Sept. 9-14, 2003.
2. We will stay at the Holiday Inn in Bath.
3. Motel rates will be slightly higher
than we have been Paying. This is
typical in this part of the country. We
can expect to pay between $90 and
$110 at the Holiday Inn. These are
very good rates for Maine.
4. Plans are underway to have a social
at the Maritime Museum with the people who
built the ship and the people who sailed the
ship. This will be a great event if we can pull it off.
There are many interesting sites to visit
in this area. We would like to tour the
shipyard providing the level of security
at that time will allow it. If possible we
would like to have our Memorial Service
on one of the ships. If we should get
really lucky, we could possible be
witness a ship launching. We are hoping
to schedule a shopping trip to Freeport to
visit L L Bean, which will include their
outlet shopping.
Did have the opportunity to spend some
time in Florida in February and March.
Ran into some very cold, rainy, and
windy weather. Bummer!
"Thanks for saving my life."
How to get Your Philippine Medal
We've had several inquiries about obtaining the Phillipines
Campaign Medal. This information may not be current, but here it is.
Send a copy of your DD214 discharge form or separation papers and
$7.00 (Shipping and Handling) to:
The Defense and Military Attache
Attention: Colonel Regino I. Calub, Jr.
Armed Forces Affairs Office
Embassy of the Philippines
1617 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
The North Caroliniana Society will honor
Frank Borden Hanes, Sr. with the North
Caroliniana Society Award for extraordinary
contributions to North Carolina's historical and
cultural heritage.
The festivities will begin Friday, April 12, with
a Wine Reception at the North Atrium at 5:30
P.M. This will be followed by an address by
Hanes in the Dogwood Room at 6:00 P.M. and
a banquet in the trillium Room from 7:00 til
9:00 P: M.
Way to go, Mr. Hanes!!!
Roster Changes
Alan Bender
9340 Sunrise Lake Blvd.
Sunrise, FI. 33322
Telephone 954 742 5924
Jerome Bartlett
Regency Manor Apt. 3-2
Rutland, Vermont 05701
Barbara Miller
500 E. Braeburn
Saginaw, MI 48603
Patricia O'Hagan passes
Pat O'Hagan passed away March 27, 2002
of congestive heart failure due to Parkinson's
For the last three years of her life Patty
was fed a special formula forced through a tube
into her stomach by a syringe. This was be-
cause the muscles in her throat had failed. She
was survived by two boys and two girls, all of
which live in the local area.
The past three years have not been easy,
according to John, but he is doing great now.
George Hidalgo and wife Joyce were in the
Seattle area in February. Came out to attend a
Grand daughter's musical recital. Yours truly and
George had a grand old bull session.
Andy Delannoy called in March and we had a grand
old bull session over the phone. Andy is doing
well, though he has diabetes. His wife, on the
other hand is not doing so well. She has been
ill for some time.
Frank Fields called to tell me that he was not
dead. It all came from the wording in a story
that ran in the last newsletter. Two people
named Frank in the same story. Frank Fields
is not dead and any stories to the contrary are
greatly exagerated. Sorry about that Frank.
Dick Bowser also called to tell me
that Frank Fields was not dead--- enough, already!!
Dick was back in the limelight on TV. A story about
his involvement in the building of the St. Louis
Arch aired in December. He also made it to the
hospital in February. Had some heart trouble but
the doctors couldn't do much. Said it would take
a boiler-maker to fix that cold hard apparatus.
Fred Rasmussen turned 80 during the year and
his kids gave him a birth-day bash. Really made
his day. Fred says that now that he is 80 his
life has had to change due to health problems.
Cancer seems to be about the same, but diabetes
has raised it's ugly head and disrupted Fred's
diet. He has also become aware of the need for excercise.
Bob Ross sent the following-mail, received from
Aris Bnilalis in Athens Greece.
"I would like to inform you on the fate of USS
WADSWORTH. After serving for the German Navy she
was sold to Greece in 1980. She was to be used as
a spare parts source but was instead commissioned in Jan.
1981 as Nearchos (D65) She was decommissioned shortly
afterwards and laid up at Souda Bay, Crete. Although
"for sale" since 1993, she was reported afloat in 1998.
Aris Bilalis
Athens, Greece
After the reunion, Ben and Betty Pearce swung
by Florida to visit Ben's cousin. Then they drove
up the east coast to home. In December they
went to Radio City Music Hall. Ben says he
really enjoyed seeing the Rockettes, he said the
last time he saw legs that good looking they
were on a Thanksgiving Turkey. Let me tell you
something, Ben, you never saw legs like that on
any damned turkey!!
Vic and Lucille Paradis are wintering in Texas.
Hope Vic keeps his head down on that back nine!
K. K. Kisker attended the 60th anniversary at
Pearl Harbor. Says he is getting pooped from all
this traveling. Well, KK it's a short hall to Bath.
Johnny Johnson is sorry he missed the reunion
in Mobile. He came down with a prostate infection,
but after four weeks of treatment, he got it under
control. Says he enjoys the newsletters.
Helen Merideth wrote to say that Gordon's ashes
were laid to rest in Tahoma National Cemetery in July.
The Navy provided the honors. Helen says the service
was nice.
Art Vount says he sure hated to miss the reunion
in Mobile, since he was looking forward to seeing us all.
Jack Bromley wrote to thank the editor of the
newsletter. He says he really likes it and to keep up
the good work.
Clarence Carpenter reports that his wife, Diane
is still in the Sunbridge Care Center in Toppinish.
He drives up every other day. He says Diane's bed sores
are getting better. This gal has had both legs amputated
and has one rough time of it.
John Klarkowski says that he and Mary Ellen hope to
see us all in Bath.
Tito Aguinaga says the shindig in Mobile was one
of the best ever. Says he really enjoyed it.
Admonishes me, Don and Friday to never leave
you. Tito, that's the last thing on any of our
Johnny Dodge returned from Florida in
Met Bender's new girl. Says she is attractive.
Phyllis was in San Diego, but will return before Easter.
Johnny got a new great grand daughter and also turned 81.
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