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Subject: USS BRAINE DD630 - Viet Nam 1965 I was a RM2 aboard USS Braine DD630 1964 to 1966 In Viet Nam in 1965 The Braine had the staff of Commander Destroyer Division 212 aboard. At sea on the 26th of July 65 Capt. E. R. Rath relieved Captain F.E. Smith as Commander Destroyer Division 212. A few days later LTJG W. J. Ruland relieved Lt. W. W. Medaris as Staff Operations Officer. Lt. R. L. Borkert remains Staff Material Officer. ComDesDiv 212 and Staff, less the Doctor and Chaplain, who also are new to the Division, arrived on board the first time our ship arrived in Subic and stayed on board until the end, Arrival Stateside. COMMANDER CARRIER DIVISION FIVE RADM REEDY AND COMMANDER U.S. SEVENTH FLEET, VADM BLACKBURN ALSO PAID US A VISIT. From 8-14 September the Braine raced up and down the Viet Nam coastline compiling an outstanding record of gunfire support and earning the title of "Fastest Guns in the West." 50 targets and 2000 rounds of 5 inch during this short time. During this time we had to take on more ammo at sea. 2 of those days we were unable to fire due to bad weather. 48,519 miles in 5 months, not bad for the good ole Fletcher. Braine CO Was Cdr. E. V. Conger and XO Was Lcdr P.D. Batdorf.
I also served on the USS Everett F. Larson DDR830 from 1957 to 1960. Was on
Taiwan Patrol and also on scene at Qumoy and Matsu during the shelling of
those Islands.
BRAINE Photo Album