NEWSLETTER Summer 2005 - July 12, 2005
Summer - July 12, 2005 Gentlemen: Well, I have finally been dragged, kicking, and screaming into the 21st Century, and, as a result, the FULLAM NEWSLETTER has a new look! That is, thanks to my wife's insistance I am using her computer for tht first time, and, I hope to continue to use it in the future. No more messy looking erasures, white-outs, misspellings, etc., assuming I listen to her instructions. I'm sorry to report the death of two of our shipmates since my last letter. Ship's cook, John Barton, passed away on February 5 and Seaman, AI Bosbach, on June 2. I received both of their obituaries and each had quite a civilian career. John eventually became the head groundskeeper of the San Diego stadium for the Padres and Chargers plus he kept up his cooking talents for the benefit of his family. AI became a hair stylist and owned two shops, Albert's Salon de Coiffe in Boston and Head Hunters in Stoneham; he received several honors including State Styles Director of Massachusetts one year. AI is survived by his wife, seven children, fifteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Once again Bill DeMarco is scheduling a mini-reunion on Cape Cod for the weekend of November 4-6 at the same location as the previous reunions. He and I will be sending additional information later, and hopefully, all of you living within a reasonable distance will make every effort to attend. I recently received an interesting letter from Wayne Watkins that I'm quoting below: "A hundred thanks for your expert newsletter items. There must be a few of us left. I just turned 88. I still think of Captain Boyd a lot. He was my example of an outstanding naval officer. As you probably don't know, I served with him on two ships. The other was the USS McCALL which we were on when we entered Pearl Harbor with other ships of Adm. Halsey's fleet the morning after the surprise attack." As promised in my last letter, here are the various ships that Arch Kellems served on during his naval career of 27 years and 4 months. After leaving the FULLAM, he commissioned the USS NAGARA (APA 87) in March, 1945, which eventually landed occupational troops at Otari, Japan. He got discharged in Ianuary 1946, then went to school for six months but re-enlisted in the Navy in July, 1946. From that point on he served on the following ships plus a couple of periods of shore duty: USS SARASOTA (APA 204), USS YORKTOWN (CV 10), USS FRONTIER (AD 25), USS BON HOMME RICHARD (CV 31), and the USS TRIPOLI (LPH 10). He finally retired as a Lieutenant Commander in Oqtober, 1969. If others of you served for a period of time after leaving the FULLAM, let me know so I can include your various ships in future letters: Here's a great memory from Bruno Cantamessa that he sent me, knowing Bruno's sense of humor, it's too bad this can't be presented orally: "It was a beautiful calm sea. Cicero and I had the duty on the forward 40's when we spot this huge black mine; don't know who was the trainer or pointer. We set our sights and fired and blew up the mine with the first shot. There was Cicero and I congratutating.ourselves, then a loud voice from the bridge that the captain of our gun was to report to the bridge now! I'm telling Cicero to go but he refused. I'm telling him that he'll probably get a medal, etc. When I got to the bridge, there was Captain Kelly with his hands on his hips and begins to chew my ass off about never to fire without his permission, etc., etc. Shortly afterwards another mine was spotted and soon the gun locker was opened and several types of guns were removed, and, then a few officers were having target practice. Thus, an end to another exciting day." Next month marks the 60th anniversary of VJ Day so I am enclosing a complete copy of the ship's log for the date of August 15, 1945. Qn that day we were escorting several baby carriers to the Aleutians, which had the war continued, we would have been operating with them during the invasion of Japan. I believe our area would have been off northern Japan and Hokaido. Anyway, we were about half way between Entiwetok, Marshall Islands, and Adak, Aleutian Islands, on this date. We arrived at Adak on August 18, left for the occupation of northern Japan (Ominato Bay), August 31, and entered Ominato Bay on September 12. A few years ago Nate Goren, I believe, sent me a copy of the obituary for Adm,. John Daniels. You recall that he was the brother of our first captain, Henry Daniels, and the last Commander of Desron 45 from December, 1944, through the end of the war. Appears that he had quite a naval career. I included this copy also. I trust you all have a great and healthy summer, and, give some serious thought to attending that Cape Cod reunion in November.
Your old shipmate,
0 to 4: Steaming in Company with task Unit 49.5.1 enroute Kulik Bay, Adak, Aleutian Islands on course 028°(T) and (pgc); 017°(psc), speed 16 knots. Formation zig-zagging in accordance with plan No.6 (USF 10B). Formation in cruising disposition 5-Roger, oriented on Fleet Axis 000°(T). OTC and Guide is CTU 49.5.1 (ComCar Div 23) in HOGGATT BAY (CVE73) (1.5000), ComScreen in CDS 45 in FULLAM. FULLAM in station No.1 (4.5000) of anti-submarine screen No. 55 (USF 10B), oriented on course. Ship in condition of readiness II, steaming on Boilers No.2 and No. 3.
4 to 8: Steaming as before. 0545 Formation ceased zig-zagging, resumed base course. 055l Formation changed course to 095°(T) and (pgc); 083°(psc) for flight operations. 0558 flight operations completed, formation changed course to 028°(T) and (pgc); 017°(psc). 0601 Formation commenced zig-zagging according to plan No.6.
8 to12: Steaming as before. Mustered crew on stations, no absentees. 0857 Formation ceased zig-zagging and resumed base course. 0909 Formation changed course to 115°T) and 103°(psc) to conduct flight operations. 0933 Flight operations conpleted, formation changed, course to 026°(T) and (pgc); 015°(psc) and commenced zlg-zagging in accordance with plan No.6 (USF 10B). 1011 Went to General Qters for drill purposes. 1035 Secured from drill General Quarters . 1047 HALFORD (DD 480) reported possible submarine contact and proceeded to investigate. 1050 The, Captain held mast and assigned the following punishment: HARTWELL, Max H., 382 58 48, WT2c(T), USN. Offences: 1) Shirking duties, 2) Leaving General Quarters station without permission. Awarded: Deck Court. 1100 HALFORD evaluated Sonar contact as non-submarine; proceeding to rejoin formation. 1105 Intercepted a radio broadcast from San Francisco to the effect that President TRUMAN announced officially that the Japanese had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. Made routine inspection of all magazines and smkeless. powder samples; condition normal.
12 to16: Steaming as before. 1217 Formation ceased zig-zagging, remaining on present course: 046°(T) and (pgc); 034° (psc)., 1225 Formation chinged course to 125°(T) and (pge); 112° (psc) for flight operation. 1253 Flight operations completed, formation changed course to 020° (T) and (pgc); 008° (psc). 1257 Formation commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No.6 (USF 10B). 1529 Formation ceased zig-zagging, remaining on present course 025°(T) anp (pgc); 012° (psc). 1540 Formation changed course to 125°(T) and (pgc); 112°(T) for night operation. 1553 Flight operations conpletad, formation changed course to 026°(T) and (pgc); 015°(pac). 1556 Formation commenced zig-zagging in accordance with Plan No.6 (USF 10B)
16 to18: Steaming as before.
18 to 20: Steaming as before. 1900 Formation ceased zig-zaging and resumed base course. 1909 Formation changed course by turn movement to 125°(T) and (pgc); 116°(psc) for flight operations. 1917 Flight operations completed, formation changed course by turn movement to 026° (T) and (pgc); 015°(psc). 1922 Formation commenced zig-zagging in accordance with plan No.6 (USF 10B).
20 to 24: Steaming as before. 2225 Formation ceased zig-iagging and resumed base course. 2230 Formation changed course to 022°(T) and (pgc); 013° (psc). 2233 Formation commenced zigzagging in accordance with plan No.6 (USF 10B)
OBITUARY Adm. Daniel was born and raised in Philadelphia and was a graduate of the Class of '24 at the U.S. Naval Academy, said his son, John. C, Daniel Jr. of Walnut Creek, Caiif. A classmate, Aily "31 Knot" Burke, would also go on to Create history as a war commander. "He didn't excel there, but in war and at sea he did," his son said. As an ensign, Adm. Daniel's first assignment was aboard a destroyer - a vessel that would become his first love at sea. During World War II, Adm. Daniel fought in every major Pacific.sea battle - including Pearl Harbor and Midway - and had the distinction of never losing a man or a ship to the enemy. When the Japanese surrendered aboard the USS Missouri in September 1945, Adm. Daniel stood behind Gen. Douglas MacArthur and watched the historic proceedings. During. the Korean War, Adm. Daniel was assigned to the United l'{ ations, command and becam'e a top peace negotiator for Gen. Mark Clark: The admiral is credited with putting together the final agreemenl that became the armistice agreement that, with its signing in 1953, ended that war. Immediately after the agreement was signed, Adm. Daniel stood at the famed Panmunjom bridge in what is now North Korea and greeted the first American prisoners of war released by the North Koreans. Later, Adm. Daniel would serve as Commander of the Atlantic Fleet, and as Commandant of Sixth Naval District in Charleston, S.C. He retired in 1960 after 36 years at sea. Adm. Daniel moved to Fort Lauderdale from the San Francisco area in 1971. His ninth floor condominium on the Galt Ocean Mile overlooked the Atlantic Ocean. "I spent many hours on the balcony with him telling me what the weather was going to do. He was a pretty good prognosticator, too" his son said. Until recently, Adm.Daniel was an avid fly fisherman. He rarely missed an opportunity to fish and rarely returned emptyhanded. John C. Daniel Jr. remembers one fly-fishing trip on the Klamath River when his father kept reeling in fish. When his son complained good-naturedly about not getting any bites from his side, his father promptly switched places in the boat and began reeling in fish while his son again sat idle. On another California trip, the younger Daniel and his wife went fishing upstream in a downpour while Adm. Daniel, who was then legally blind, stayed in the warmth of a cabin. When they returned empty-handed, the admiral told the couple, "Don't worry. We've got fish for dinner anyway. "In the sink were two large trout the admiral. had caught in the tiny stream next to the cabin while they were gone." He was a phenomenal man," his son said. In addition to his son John C. Jr., Adm. Daniel is survived by a second son, Tim D. of Pleasant Hill, Calif.; six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. A funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at Baird-Case Funeral Home, 4343 N. Federal Highway in Fort Lauderdale.
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