UNITED STATES SHIP TERRY (DD-5l3) Thursday March 1, 1945.
Ships Log 0000-0800 Watches
00-04 Steaming in company with Task Force 54 (CTF 54 in USS Nevada) retiring Northwest of Iwo Jima in accordance with Commander Task Force 51 despatch 280300 February 1945. Formation disposed with heavy ships in three columns, course 315deg T, speed 12 knots. Screens composed of eight destroyers formed 36deg intervals on circle 6. Terry in station 6288. Steaming on boilers #1 and #4, condition of readiness II mike, material condition Baker set. Ship darkened
0005 Formation changed course to 000deg T.
0049 Formation changed to 045deg T.
0132 Formation changed course to 090deg T.
0210 USS Capps, station#1, obtained sound contact bearing 010deg T, and carried out an embarrassing barrage attack. Formation changed course to 180deg true.
0215 Terry left screen to carry out lost contact search. Steaming on various courses and at various speeds, carrying out sound search.
0245 Held General Quarters to repel air attack as enemy torpedo planes closed on Terry broad and starboard bow. Plane released a torpedo at about a distance of 1,000 yards. Terry maneuvered radically and changed speed to 25 knots to avoid torpedo. Torpedo passed about 50 yards astern. Reported circumstances to OTC by voice radio.
0315 Steaming on various courses and at various speeds to rejoin formation.
0345 Terry on station 6288, speed 12 knots. Formation on course 162deg T, zigzagging in accordance with plan #6.
J. B. LAHRMER, Lieutenant, USNR
04-08 Steaming as before.
0425 Set condition of readiness II Mike, material condition Baker.
0640 Ceased zigzagging and resumed base course.
0642 Formation dissolved. Proceeding independently North of lwo Jima to screening station C-5 on course 105deg T and pge - 109deg pac. speed 15 knots.
0702 Changed course to 115deg T and pge - 119deg pac..
About 0720 Salvo fired from a two or three gun 6" shore battery on Northwest corner of Iwo Jima at a range of about 5,000 yards fell close by.. Turned hard left increased speed to 25 knots, sent all hands to General Quarters. Captain took the conn.
About 0722 Main battery opened fire on shore battery bearing 235deg T.
About 0728 Received about a 6" caliber hit in starboard side of main deck at frame 100, over forward engine room. Maneuvering radically to avoid .further hits, firing with guns #4 and #5.
0729 Starboard engine stopped, lost power, lost steering control, gyro compass out of commission. After main battery guns continuing to fire in local control at shore battery.
About 0734 All guns ceased firing having expended 45 round of 5"/38 caliber AA common and AA common (special) projectiles. Regained steering control. Stopped all engines and lay to. USS Pensacola taking shore battery under fire. During this engagement the ship was straddled many times by accurate fire. Many shells fell within 100 yards of the ship. It is estimated that about 30 rounds were fired by the enemy.
Killed in action by shell burst or by fragments from near misses:
CRANE, Edward R. , 651 15 82, Y2c(T), V-6, USNR
GARD, Maurice W., 627 30 35, MM2c, V-6, USNR
GRUBB, Charles L., 651 17 56, WT2c(T), V-6, USNR
HALL, Dwight L., 262 68 87, CEM(AA), U.S. Navy
JOHNAGIN, Calvin C., 357 00 98, MM2c(T), V-6, USNR
LE CRONE, Wayne (n), 952 67 47, F1c, SV-6, USNR .
O'BRIEN, John P., 244 85 76,, QM1c(T), V-6, USNR
ROJAS, Anthony P., 868 16 64, S2c(S2c, SV-6, USNR
SMITH, John F., 553 91 08, S1c(RM), SV-6, USNR
SWENSSON, Emil, acting pay clerk, 406477, U.S. Navy
(passenger for USS San Jacinto)
Missing in action:
ROBERTS, Ramond F., 666 36 72, PhM2c, V-6, USNR
Wounded in action:
BLUEMEL, Edward, Lieutenant (jg), 187852, DE, USNR
WESTWATER, Robert S., Ensign, E-V(G), 383723, USNR
BALDWIN, David M., 753 44 50, F1c(WT), USNR
DE ROSA, Vincent J., 647 37 77, TM1c, USNR
EVANS, James C., 832 39 58, S1c, USNR
GRANGER, Edgar E., 723 08 90, EM2c(T), USNR
HERMAN, Donald E., 338 64 91, Flc (WT), USNR
HITNER, Robert S., 651 41 56, RM3c, USNR
JOHNSTIN, Clarence W., 245 62 87, F2c, USNR
KECK, Gordon W., 385 75 08, CMM(A.A). USNR
KEIGHLEY, Arthur, 212 39 56, CBM(AA,(T), U.S. Navy
LAMON, Estel C., Sr.,180 23 91, CCS(AA(T), USNR
LAUBSCHER, Clair E., 924 37 99, S2c, USNR
MC DONALD, William K., 607 52 90, WT.3c(T), USNR
SHOOBRIDGE, William H. 312 43 61, TM3c(T), USNR
SMITH, Harry E, 639 51 12, MoMM2c, USNR
UNDERWOOD, Robert M., 283 43 32, MM1c, U. S. Navy
J. C. MASON, Lieutenant (jg), U. S. Navy.
Thanks to Kathy Smith who provided these logs of Terry Action

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This is Kathy Smiths Uncle, Wayne LeCrone F1c, Dob 10/10/23. Killed during this action.
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